On Monday, November 27th, Road Arrow celebrated it’s 7th birthday in the congress hall at the Faculty of the mechanical engineering! Sponsors, state institutions representatives, team supporters and alumni members were present at the ceremony.

At the beginning, dean Radivoje Mitrović made a speech. During the short retrospective he praised team’s success and progress, and expressed the wish for them to continue in the same direction.
After the dean, team leader for the season 2017, Strahinja Zdravković, took his place on the stage. Strahinja made an effort to, as realistically as possible, explain how formula was developed during last season. Also, all of the present guests had an opportunity to see the video from the competitions in Czech Republic and Germany, at that was the best way to show the atmosphere from the competitions. Later, Strahinja once more showed team’s gratitude to all the sponsors on their support that made project realization in the season 2017 possible.

In all these years team had enormous support from it’s mentor, deceased professor Aleksandar Veg, PhD. It was specially emotional moment when the team handed the plaque to his family members. Team wanted to show, once again, gratitude for his extraordinary contribution to this project, as for his dedication, and also to express the message that his legacy will be valued and used in the future.

New season was of the special interest to all the guests. Team leader for the season 2018, Miljana Stojanović, presented the plan that will guide Road Arrow through this year. Designing is almost over, team has already started preparation for the qualification tests for the renowed competition all around Europe, and regarding vehicle production, it is planned to be finished by the end of April. In that way, team will have enough time to test formula’s reliability, that is one of the main goals.
Miljana took this opportunity to present new team mentor, professor Marko Miloš, PhD. Professor has been team supporter for a long time, so he accepted this new duty with enthusiasm and he pointed out that it is great honor for him to be the part of Road Arrow team.

Finally, the appreciation notes were given to our sponsors. Team Road Arrow had, during the last season, great support from the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, that helped us to manufacture many important parts for the formula. The thank-you note was given to the Faculty dean, professor Đorđe Janaćković, Phd. Also, the team competes in Europe on behalf of University of Belgrade, so it’s representatives were present at the ceremony. Special honor was given to our golden sponsors, who were given framed appreciation notes by team’s leader for the season 2017. Later, our silver and bronze sponsors, together with friends of the project, were also awarded with notes.
After the short ceremony, cocktail was organized for all officials present and there they had an opportunity to spend some “unofficial” time with team members, to make new and restore some old acquaintances and agreements for further collaboration, for which we are very excited.
Many thanks to all that managed to organize their time, to be there, and spent it to celebrate with us. We cannot wait for future occasions when we are all going to be together again!