The second competition in the season 2017/18 has finished successfully! Formula Student Czech Republic lasted from July 31st until August 4th. Team from Belgrade came to the camping site day earlier so that they would be well rested for the first day of the competition. As in Italy, day one team spent in the pit making the last preparation, that proved to be a good tactic as the vehicle went through the technical inspection and all tests without any problems on the next day.
Third day was devoted to the static disciplines. Again, the Cost Report and Real Case Scenario team was breaking the ice. Beside getting good comments on the report itself and the posters, judges especially praised the team being focused not only on the product improvement but also on the manufacturing process optimisation. After the day started this well, it continued even better, with great presentation of the Business Plan.

Detailed elaboration of the idea, risk management and precise targeting of the market couldn’t pass unnoticed. Our business team was rewarded with the 14th place overall. Last static discipline, but not the least – Design Event was also accompanied with positive comments from the judges that visited Tenfore Road Arrow’s pit.

With the wind at their back, on the fourth day of the competition the team was ready to start the dynamic disciplines. Unfortunately, right after the first acceleration drive part of the transmission system broke so they had to go back to the pit to work on it and weren’t able to get it done in time to drive the acceleration again.
Despite this problem and the bad start of the day on the skidpad our skillful driver manage to get the time of 5.2 s that got the team in the top 15 in this discipline. During the autocross, our drivers set the time of 84.97 s.
Regardless of a not so great day the enthusiasm among the team was still high because the last day of the competition was reserved for the toughest test – endurance race. Team firmly believed in the vehicle that was in Italy proven to be absolutely reliable and fast, and unstable Czech weather during the whole competition represented the only threat. Road Arrow 2018 was once again at the Autodrom Most circuit in the morning of the fifth day, ready for the race 22 km long.

After the excellent driving from both of drivers, the great success was achieved – team Tenfore Road Arrow was fifth in the endurance race!

This fantastic result guaranteed team’s placement among the top 10 overall, but, weather conditions worked against us. With only three teams left to drive the race, a storm came and flooded the circuit. As that happened in the late afternoon, it was not possible to delay the race. Organizers made the decision that points won for this discipline won’t be taken into consideration. Although this decision came upon a disagreement from the vast majority of the teams, it was final and in that way team finished 18th overall.
Attained success is not downsized by this unfortunate circumstances, and the team is back in Belgrade satisfied, proud and ready for even bigger achievements. Earned vacation after the great performances on both of the FS competition this summer has started, and as soon as we go through all the images and finish with the reminiscing we’ll start with the preparations for closing this one and starting new season.